İŞKUR Youth program applications...

11 Şubat 2025 Salı

İŞKUR Youth Program was implemented as a part-time active workforce program in which theoretical and practical training is provided to university students in order to support public services in cooperation with public universities.

Click for the application page...

What are the İŞKUR Youth Program Participation Conditions?

a) Being a citizen of the Republic of Türkiye,

b) Being registered with the institution,

c) Being over 18 years of age,

c) Not receiving old-age or disability pension,

d) Not to be an employee of the contractor or its affiliated, related, related and subsidiaries within one year before the program request date and until the actual start date of the program,

e) Not being declared as insured within the scope of Article 4 of Law No. 5510 or not being considered as insured within the last one month before the application date,

f) Not being declared as insured or not being considered as insured within the scope of Article 5 of Law No. 5510 as of the application date,

g) To meet the household income requirement,

g) Not being a beneficiary of active labor force or unemployment insurance programs offered by the Institution,

h) Being a student of the contractor university (not being an open education or distance education student, not having suspended registration and/or being inactive)

conditions are required.